
Thursday, August 27, 2009


Oh, how I thought and hoped I would never have to think about this again... But I highly doubt any American can escape the reality of deployment. For those of us "married to the Military", any attempt to escape is futile. We are either on the brink of deployment, in the middle of deployment, or have just come home from deployment.

My personal experience is as a very young, frightened wife freshly married saying goodbye to my husband... then as a more mature wife, furious at the Army because they pulled our orders to move, saying goodbye again at 4am.

The homecomings are the happiest days of your life; topping everything else, including your wedding day. But is that day worth the worry, the fear, the separation? I have decided not ask myself this question. We cannot change the fact deployment occur on a yearly rotation, so we must accept, deal, and move on.

Every soldier, every spouse, and every family member is in my prayers nightly.

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