
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today was a bad day.

For some reason, today was a bad day... It started off so wonderfully! COL and Lauren Shufelt got off without a hitch (story to come later). Luke slept okay... but he was in a good mood this morning. Somewhere around 10am it just took a dramatic nose dive.

First Luke wouldn't take his bottle.

Then I had to change my outfit three times because of spit up (come to find out I didn't need to go where I was getting ready to go. Very frustrating.)

Next: (Here is the story behind this) My phone isn't working properly, I don't receive text messages until hours later, I miss phone calls all the time. I get PISSED when I miss phone calls because of device failure. So we called T-Mobile and got a replacement. They sent the wrong phone. The. Wrong. Phone. So now I have to wait another week for a crappy phone I hate.

Continuing on: It's St Patrick's Day. And I did nothing. I have never done nothing for St. Patrick's Day. So depressing.

To be the ultimate pessimist. I HATE Chicago. It's expensive, cold, no other Army wives, cold, snow blows, and when I reach out over Facebook I get completely beaten up by my fellow wives. Everyone has an opinion on my parenting or the fact I am a Stay at home Mom. I choose to stay home with our son. It is my choice. I choose to vaccinate my child. I choose put him in a Jumperoo (He just laughed and laughed today in it). I do not appreciate any one attempting to make me feel less of an intelligent female because of my choice. That is utter crap.

I guess I am frustrated because I don't get to go out in the sun like I used too... I miss my Mommy. I miss Savannah. I miss my iPhone. And I miss my friends. They support me and show me so much love that I don't know what to do when I am in this vortex of hate.

Dennis came home and gave me a hug, so I do feel better... but if I am cranky this weekend when it is supposed to SNOW you know why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you're having a rough time of it.

And I don't know why you're worried about what other people say about your parenting?! I think most mothers would want to stay home if they had that opportunity...they're just jealous! I've always had this feeling: I don't really give a crap what they're doing...*I AM* doing *THIS*!
