
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Stockpile and you

The biggest change in your grocery shopping habits you need to make when you start couponing is you no longer shop for the week, you STOCKPILE! Yes, like a nuclear war fearing family in the 1950s, you stockpile the items your family normally use. Just wait for a really good sale and BUY BUY BUY!

Most of these items I have gotten either free, or very close to free. And now I don't have to worry about paying full price! I just wait for another sale and stock up again.

The way I choose to organize my stock pile is by expiration date. I put what expires the soonest up front. Always check in the store, but sometimes when items are priced to move, it is because their expiration date is coming up. Make sure you can use it before it goes bad.

Dressing, sauces, and condiments. 

We've actually depleted most of our Peanut Butter stockpile. 

We have a baby, Cheerio's are a Godsend. 

Think I have enough Ziploc bags?

Toiletries stockpile.

 My razor, deodorant, and face wash stockpile.

Detergent stockpile.


Unknown said...

How did the $400 budget go??

Maggie said...

Very well! I need to update and post... Life just got absolutely crazy on me!