
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Repeal of Obama Care and Tricare


"3 Rea­sons the repeal­ing the Patient Pro­tec­tion and Afford­able Care Act won’t change TRICARE.

A recent arti­cle by Leo Shane of Stars and Stripes explains how and why any actions to repeal the Patient Pro­tec­tion and Afford­able Care Act (a.k.a. Oba­maCare) will not make any imme­di­ate changes to TRICARE or the new TRICARE Young Adult option. In fact there are three main rea­sons why the actions taken by the House to repeal the act won’t change any­thing right away.

Rea­son 1. When PPAC was passed, Con­gress quickly fol­lowed up by pass­ing the TRICARE Affir­ma­tion Act, a law which ensured that TRICARE wouldn’t change due to PPAC. Sim­ply put, TRICARE was shielded from the rules for PPAC in the first place, so any repeal won’t have an effect any­way.

Rea­son 2. The expan­sion of TRICARE cov­er­age to include adult chil­dren over 21 (known as the TYA option) was not included in the orig­i­nal Patient Pro­tec­tion and Afford­able Care Act. In fact TYA is part of the National Defense Autho­riza­tion Act of 2011, which means that any effort to repeal PPAC will not have an imme­di­ate effect. Con­gress would have to pass a sep­a­rate bill to elim­i­nate the TYA pro­gram.

Rea­son 3. Although the House passed the repeal, it is not likely to get any trac­tion in the Sen­ate and there is no chance that this pres­i­dent will sign any such repeal."

To be quite honest, when the House repealed the Patient Pro­tec­tion and Afford­able Care Act it did not occur to me that Tricare would be affected. Did any one even think that the repeal would affect us negatively? What was your immediate response to the repeal of Obama Care?

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