
Monday, March 1, 2010

Saying Goodbye...

Homecoming 2nd Deployment
Homecoming 1st Deployment

Well, this morning I said Goodbye to Dennis as he went to work...

As I sit on the couch while Luke is happily batting at his toys on his mat, I think back on all the times I have said Goodbye to my husband. There were a few times I honestly didn't know when or if I would see him again. Saying Goodbye at 4am with his rucksack obstructing that one last hug is much harder than a light peck on the cheek as he goes into to work, I know he will be home around 1800 (that's 6pm for you civilians) today. It was still hard to see him go.

Man, I do not envy any wife going through a deployment right now... They are so hard. During his second deployment he did not get R&R (the two week vacation all soldiers get if they are deployed for over a year) until a year after he left. Imagine not seeing your husband for a full year... You put your life on hold almost, waiting for him to come home.

I guess that is the life of an Army Wife... You have to say Goodbye a lot. On the positive side, our Hellos are so much fun!

Okay, Luke is done playing and wants to be held.

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